Shop Stock
The items found in the shops. Items that are not updated for more than 60 days will automatically be removed. You can reset the expiration period by clicking on the "Update" linkbutton. Showing 65 of 56 items.
ShopTypeItemPropertiesAmountValueMarkupMarkupExpiresExpiration periodDelete
TechnicianBlueprintBall Bearings  0.01  60ResetDelete
TechnicianBlueprintBasic Pattern Pants (C)  0.010.00 60ResetDelete
TechnicianBlueprintBasic Pattern Shirt (C)  0.010.00 60ResetDelete
Trade TerminalMaterialBLP Pack  0.00010.00 60ResetDelete
Weapon TraderMaterial  0.010.00 60ResetDelete
Trade TerminalWeaponCastorian Combat EnBlade-A  15.80.00 60ResetDelete
Trade TerminalWeaponCastorian EnKnuckles-A  170.00 60ResetDelete
Trade TerminalWeaponCastorian Survival EnBlade-A  13.50.00 60ResetDelete
Weapon TraderWeapon  13.50.00 60ResetDelete
TechnicianBlueprintFinder F-101  0.010.00 60ResetDelete
TechnicianBlueprintGalaxy S1 Ion Conductors  0.010.00 60ResetDelete
TechnicianBlueprintGEC Spur Gears 1K  0.010.00 60ResetDelete
Trade TerminalFinderGenesis Rookie MatterSeeker (L)  0.050.00 60ResetDelete
Trade TerminalMaterialGenesis Rookie Seismic Bomb  0.10.00 60ResetDelete
Trade TerminalMaterialGenesis Rookie Survey Probe  0.20.00 60ResetDelete
<< < > >> 1 2 3 4 5 (All)Items per page:

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