Showing 133 of 56 items.
Achilles' HeelExploringFort Troy TPPlanet Calypso
AddictedPvPUse radiation injectors 
AirborneExploringFly 100 kmPlanet Calypso
ArmoredExploringFind Sherman outpost teleporterNext Island
Asphalt PizzaFeatsDeath by falling 1 timePlanet Calypso
AtonedStoriesFinish Atonement MissionPlanet Calypso
Bad HairExploringFort Medusa TPPlanet Calypso
BajouExploringVisit Swamp CampPlanet Calypso
Between a rock and a hard placeExploringEast Scylla Mountains TPPlanet Calypso
BillabongExploringAloode TPPlanet Calypso
BlessedStoriesComplete Mad Prophet MissionsPlanet Calypso
Bred With a PurposeHuntingKill 1000 ShinkibaPlanet Calypso
BrickFeatsDeath by falling 5 timesPlanet Calypso
Bronze GiantFeatsComplete a Bronze MissionPlanet Calypso
BullittExploringDrive 500 kmPlanet Calypso
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