Showing 359 of 56 items.
General InformationEconomySource
NameTypeItem PointsMax.TTPriceSourceFound On
Aakas City Artistic RepresentationPainting120 MinedPlanet Arkadia
 Aakas Defender StatueStatue130 LootedPlanet Arkadia
Allophyl StatueStatue155 CraftedPlanet Calypso
Alpo, Kostabi PaintingPainting 40 New Oxford Gallery 
Antique PistolMisc 17 LootedPlanet Calypso
Antique RifleMisc119 LootedPlanet Calypso
Antonioni's Desert Nightmare, Kostabi PaintingPainting 210 New Oxford Gallery 
April, Karadi PaintingPainting 40 New Oxford Gallery 
Araneatrox DollDoll11 Halloween Gift 2008Planet Calypso
Ära Och Stolthet, Billgren PaintingPainting1210   
Argonaut Cuddly ToyDoll 0.01 Xmas Gift 2016Planet Calypso
 Arkadia Bluebell RugDecoration150 LootedPlanet Arkadia
 Arkadia Christmas HamperDecoration10.01 Xmas Gift 2012Planet Arkadia
Arkadian Hornet Trophy HeadTrophy Head 10 MissionPlanet Arkadia
Armax Trophy HeadTrophy Head 48 CraftedPlanet Calypso
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