Merry Mayhem
Showing 17 of 56 items.
General InformationFirstSecondThird
EventYearCategoryCreaturesFirst PlaceFirst PointsSecond PlaceSecond PointsThird PlaceThird Points
2007 Single Category20071Atrox, Exarosaur, Mulaak'fPatrick Stormer Deluxe Stoikow Stoikow Mudorow Jenna Star Mercury 
2008 Category 120081CornundacaudaAngel Jane mms Monique The Hottie Hawkeye Lurch Molch Frosch 
2008 Category 220082Feffoiddon waheed johansen Robert SylverIce Kinczel Lisa Littlefeather Cheyenne 
2008 Category 320083ItumatroxAndova Andie the wise Cerb Hulk Beris Tzepelea Tzepu Geri 
2008 Category 420084AraneatroxNeo The Famous Trader Sharp Warants Skalman Skalmansson Jenna Star Mercury 
2009 Category 120091CornundacaudaAngel Jane mms107324UafUaf BauBau HaulesBaules96591danotti magic pandora65016
2009 Category 220092Feffoiddon waheed johansen91195Dexer Coult Hard71950Imre imi White67532
2009 Category 320093ItumatroxDoug Blond Wana89120Kamel Hmm Vafan56119Andova andie the Wise49329
2009 Category 420094ChomperJill Lady Death Strike Valentine105285Phoenix Conquista De la Nova75520Lodidodi directeur LFB Sytchev30413
2010 Category 120101CornundacaudaAngel Jane mms59238never say never41697crazy killer vonn39240
2010 Category 220102FeffoidBIG KUKA KA3AX45043Vaqu Death Dealer39661sweraiszir raiszir sweden35732
2010 Category 320103EvisceratorAndova Andie the Wise50223Curly Xcite24 Orridge40483Johan zeta Deluxe26166
2010 Category 420104ScipulorDarth Skippie Boobie50143Neo The Famous Trader Sharp39883TRAIAN SENTENTZ STEFAN32059
2011 Category 120111DaikibaAngel Jane mms43160never say never41185kilbikas saunajumal kipsi34461
2011 Category 220112FeffoidShawn Thark Columbo65249Axis Dragon Lionhart39002roelie rambo kevin38598
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